best dna health test

Best DNA Health Tests

If you are in the market for the best medical DNA testing kit for health, then you aren’t alone. It can get challenging to select the best DNA test with the plethora of tests available.

There are several genetic tests you can carry out to know more about your health.

It generally involves a blood test, a mouth swab, or a hair sample. Geneticists can analyze your DNA for variations that are linked to specific traits or conditions. 

If you are in the market for the best DNA test health, Toolbox Genomics remains the ultimate DNA test for health service in the industry. 

With more DNA testing companies joining the fray, the price of a standard DNA analysis kit goes for a quarter of a thousand bucks. 

While the rising number of DNA testing companies creates a potential for a better testing experience, it also raises the challenge of finding the best DNA test for health. 

We have thoroughly assessed some of the top DNA testing services in the industry, breaking down their pros and cons, reputation, methodologies, and price.

Let’s take a look at the recommended DNA tests for health. 

Best Overall – Toolbox Genomics 

Toolbox Genomics was founded in 2016 in California, USA. The company focuses on providing DNA health tests and Wellness.

toolbox genomics DNA health test

Toolbox Genomics has a high accuracy rating of 98% based on reviews of several users. Their tests are processed in CLICAPP-certified laboratories known for their high processing standards to ensure accuracy and integrity.

Toolbox Genomics offers more than just DNA health tests. By examining a specific set of SNP’s in your DNA to see how your body acts to various experiences and lifestyle factors, the company claims it can provide insight on the diet plans and exercise routines that best suits you.

Tool Genomics DNA health testing kit comes with an instruction pamphlet, a specimen tube, and a prepaid return envelope to send back your sample. The pamphlet contains instructions that help guide you to provide your sample.

You would need to register your kit from their app before you unpack your DNA sample. This is to enable the laboratory to identify your DNA sample as yours. Deposit your saliva in the tube provided using the swab, place it in the prepaid envelope, and mail it back to them.

You would get a confirmation that you have registered your kit and wait for your result. 

Toolbox Genomics Products and features 

To begin with Toolbox Genomics, users would have to get access through healthcare and wellness professionals. The company has two categories of products. They include Healthcare Pro and Wellness Pro. 

Healthcare Pro 

Healthcare professionals conduct health care tests, which include: 

  • Cognitive panel: Examines 155 SNPs attributed to depression, anxiety, head trauma, and memory loss. 
  • Cardiometabolic Panel: Investigates 8 associated with blood sugar, obesity, and insulin resistance. 
  • Energy/Fatigue Panel: Examines 60 genes to help users investigate possible causes of their exhaustion, headaches, exhaustion, and joint pains. 
  • Immune Panel: Analyzes 120 SNPs to get insight on skin irritation, brain fog, and autoimmune disorders.
  • GI Panel: It studies 5 traits associated with constipation, abdominal pain, food intolerances, and bloating. 
  • Concussion Panel: Analyzes 30 SNPs linked to 5 traits and designed for patients worried about cognitive decline and individuals who play contact sport. 
  • Brain Panel: Provide insights on how gut conditions affect a user’s brain health. 

Wellness Pro 

Wellness Pro tests are ordered by wellness professions such as nutritionists, trainers, health coaches, and others. The following are some of the best medical DNA tests under both the HealthcarePro and Wellness Pro Categories. 

  • Detox Panel: Helps individuals with fatigue, mood irregularity, and skin disease by examining 17 traits. 
  • Epigenetics Panel: Help users understand their aging process. 
  • Endurance Performance: It analyzes 40 genes associated with nutrition, deficiencies, injury susceptibility, and recovery required for endurance athletes. 
  • Hormonal Panel: Help individuals with insights on menstrual cycles, irregular hormone levels, and depression.  
  • Weight management: Help identify predisposition to obesity and eating behavior. 
  • Health Enrichment: Analyzes 78 SNPs related to 21 traits. It Provides insight on several subjects such as fitness, nutrition, injury, and more. 

Toolbox Genomics Report 

Toolbox Genomics can generate your Health Action Plan by using your genetic data and completed questionnaire.

Your Health Action Plan will give you genetic insight into the 5 domains of optimal health and Wellness, including lifestyle, nutrition, supplement, and other testing tips. 


The DNA Test from Toolbox Genomics helps you learn more about how your genetic code affects your health. The DNA test kit costs $199.

You would also get personalized advice on meal planning, nutritional supplements, and fitness routines included in your test reports. The Epigenetics test cost $249 as a one-time test or $199 with an Epigenetics subscription.

The Epigenetics + DNA test carries the most value and costs $299 for a one-time test or $249 if you include an Epigenetics subscription. 


Toolbox Genomics shows a solid commitment to its user’s privacy. Your information is well protected, and they do not share data with any third-party practitioner.

You can also choose to delete your data any time you deem fit. 

Tool Genomics Pros 

  • Delivers genetic testing that is entirely focused on health. 
  • It provides epigenetics testing. 
  • Toolbox Genomics partners CLIA/CAPP certified labs are known for high accuracy results. 
  • It provides robust results on specific health areas such as cognitive functioning and nutritional optimization. 
  • Provides personalized and actionable steps on how to improve your health based on specific genetic and epigenetic results. 

Toolbox Genomics Cons 

  • Epigenetics test result takes time. (6-8 weeks) 
  • The subscription is pretty expensive. 

 Bottom line 

Toolbox Genomics provides valuable health and wellness insights based on your genetics and epigenetics.

If you are looking for a DNA test provider with a high accuracy test result, look no further than Toolbox Genomics.

We can boldly say that Toolbox Genomics is also an excellent choice for health dietary plans and fitness regimes. 

Best General DNA Test – 23andMe

23andMe was founded in 2006 and is one of the most renowned DNA testing companies globally. 

The DNA testing service offers an easy, one-stop test that includes health-related reports. 23andMe has over 5 million users, which enhances your odds of finding long-distance DNA relatives. 

23andme best dna test

The company allows users to download their raw data and upload it to other databases.

As a leading consumer genetics and research company, 23 and Me offers users a chance to trace their ancestry and get comprehensive information about their health. 

23andMe have the most extensive regional granularity with over 1000 distinct ancestral regions. 

As a result, the company can give a more geographically specific breakdown of your ancestral heritage. The submittal process of 23 and Me is pretty fast and painless. Once you receive your saliva collection kit, place your saliva into the tube and send the kit back in the prepaid package. 

Reports and features 

23andMe report in two forms. They include Ancestry reports and Health reports. 

23andMe Ancestry Report 

Ancestry composition: Breaks down your approximate ethnic ancestry into percentages. For example, 25.4% African, 12.4% Middle eastern.

• Your DNA Family: 23andMe can help you find people who share your DNA through its massive database of DNA data. 23andMe will automatically build your family tree based on your relationship.

You can also use the DNA Relative finder, an optional service feature, to find distant relatives and send messages. 

• Neanderthal Ancestry: This report shows how much Neanderthal genetic heritage you carry. 

23andMe Health Reports 

Traits: This report tells you about some of your family traits. 

Wellness Report: This report tells you more about how your DNA may impact your body’s response to exercise, sleep, and diet. 

Carrier Status: This report is excellent for individuals who plan to have children. This report may help you gain insight into potential genetic risks for your children. 

Health Predispositions Report: With this report, you can determine if your genes put you at a higher risk of developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, macular degeneration, or other health-related issues. 

Health and Ancestry Reports 

 These reports are exclusive for those who want quicker processing and faster results. It gets reserved for the elite customers( VIP) of the DNA test for health service. 


23 and Me ancestry test alone costs $99. If you desire to know your ancestry and health reports, you would have to part with $199. 

Note that an additional shipping fee of $9.95 for standard delivery, including all postage stamps. 

23andMe Pros 

• FDA Authorization: 23 and Me is one of the few DNA health testing companies with FDA authorization. 

• Offers both ancestry and health reports in one package. 

• Availability of discounts 

• Intuitive and well-designed online reports. 

23andMe Cons 

• Results are not always accurate. Ensure you consult your doctor to review your results before taking any action related to your test results. 

• Its overall living database of over 5 million people is still smaller than its main competitor. 

• 23 and Me health predisposition and carrier reports only test for some variants. 

• No adequate additional information or educational resources to guide users. 

Bottom line 

23andMe have continued to maintain its relevance in the DNA testing industry with its comprehensive and health and ancestry reports. 

The company also has an extensive list of diseases for which it helps you discover if you are at risk of developing certain conditions or a carrier for specific variants.

Despite its immense benefits, 23 and Me still have its shortcomings as the accuracy of its tests is not always 100%. Overall, 23andMe are among the best DNA test for health companies and remains an excellent genetic test for beginners in DNA testing. 

Best Detailed DNA Test For Health – Nebula Genomics

Nebula Genomics was founded in 2016 in San Francisco, California. The company started as an idea to help users manage their genomic data using the power of blockchain technology.

This method of storing DNA data is safe and completely anonymous. By keeping your data on the blockchain, the company has overcome the fears of privacy concerns surrounding DNA testing.

nebula genomics most private dna test

Nebula Genomics offers whole genomic sequencing (WGS), a unique offering in DNA testing.

Similarly, by using blockchain technology, the company allows users to get paid when researchers use their genes for medical research.

Nebula Genomics generates data by carrying out 150 Bp paired-end read sequencing using throughput MGI DNBSEQ-T7 DNA sequencing machines.

Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) decodes 6.4 billion DNA base pairs in the human genome, including the complete set of all 20,000 genes, mitochondria DNA, and the Y chromosome.

 Personal genome sequencing enables the discovery of all genetic variations in every individual gene and produces the most detailed and accurate genetic test results. 

Nebula Genomics Test Report and Sample Reports

Nebula Genomics allows you to learn about genetic variants that may put you at risk for disease. The company provides users with an unmatched wealth of information through a whole-genome DNA test.

Users can also get updates weekly based on their genome analysis. Users who already have their DNA sequenced by 23andMe and Ancestry DNA can upload their genetic data to Nebula Genomics.

The company can expand the information by using statistical modelling to predict your genetic makeup at other sites in the genome. 


The 30x whole gene sequencing costs $299. At this price, Nebula Genomics offers the cheapest whole-genome sequencing in the market.

The subscription fee for accessing the Nebula Explorer platform and getting weekly updates with new reports and results is $20 per month.

However, you can reduce the price to $9.99 per month if you pay for an entire year. 


You would not find a company that is committed to protecting your privacy than Nebula Genomics.

The company offers anonymous testing meaning you can take the test and receive your information without providing any personal identifying information.

In the event of a security breach, your DNA data would remain protected as no one can trace your DNA information to you. 

Nebula Genomics Pros 

  • Show a strong commitment to privacy.
  • It sets itself apart from its competitors by offering whole-genome sequencing. 
  • It gives you complete access to your genetic data and curated tools needed to explore it. 
  • Its whole-genome sequencing reveals all genetic variation with less focus on single genes and particular diseases. 

Nebula Genomics Cons 

  • Price is on the high side. 
  • Only users who subscribe can benefit more from the left. 

Bottom line 

Nebula Genomics is well known for its thoroughness in providing in-depth information regarding your health history.

 The company’s whole genome sequencing tests would undoubtedly enhance your DNA testing experience.

Nebula Genomics has remained at the forefront of initiating and implementing innovative technologies in DNA testing. 

Best For Nutrition and Fitness – Inside Tracker 

InsideTracker was founded in 2009 Located in Massachusetts, USA. Some of the people who started the company are experts in aging, biometric data, and genetics.

The company starts by collecting and analyzing your DNA, biomarkers in your blood, and the lifestyle information you provide. Users who have blood test data with 23andMe and Ancestry DNA can share their knowledge on Inside Tracker. 

dna test for fitness

The company analyses blood, DNA, and self-reported habits to establish a goal-oriented action plan that includes nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle recommendations.

Similarly, InsideTracker evaluates biomarkers such as glucose and cholesterol and helps you monitor how they change over time. You can have also had your blood drawn in Inside Tracker’s laboratory. 

Inside tracker Plans

InsideTracker has numerous plans, which includes the following: 

  • Ultimate

The ultimate plan offers the most detailed blood analysis. It analyzes 43 biomarkers associated with athletic performance, longevity, and overall well-being.

  • Inner Age 2.0

This plan provides information about your biological age. This test examines 14 biomarkers for males and 18 for females.

  • Essentials

Essentials study 12 biomarkers for metabolism, energy, sleep, and overall Wellness. 

  • Home Kit

This comprises a home blood drop collection kit and examined 7 wellness biomarkers. 

  • GoalGetter

GoalGetter is a coalition between InsideTracker and Helix. It examines your genetic profile and individual habits to provide insights on sleep, weight, performance, healthy aging, and food sensitivities. You can only buy this test on the Helix website. 

InsideTracker Report

InsideTracker reports are pretty detailed, and its users have access to their online platform. Bloodwork results vary depending on the plan since each one analyzes a different number of biomarkers.

InsideTracker categorizes the biomarker results in three areas: At Risk, Needs Improvement, and Optimized. You will obtain information on the general health, blood tests, biomarkers overview, and daily actions you can carry out to enhance your health.

The company provides the most recent results for the biomarker analyzed. It shows a graph dividing the data points into six categories: high, borderline high, normal zone, optimized zone, borderline low, and low.

The report allows you to track your past results to see if your levels are improving.

The DNA testing company also includes recommendations based on blood test results, but they only analyze up to 43 blood markers to make their recommendations.

DNA Report

The DNA reports are available in PDF format only and cover the genetic potential for 29 wellness and performance traits. Users are provided with their genetic risk for specific characteristics. However, they are not offered any recommendations based on DNA.

InsideTracker Blood and DNA Results

The blood and DNA reports are based on a limited number of 261 genetic markers, which is only a tiny fraction of your DNA that can affect your health. The company also analyzes 36 genetic markers related to cholesterol. 


Inside Tracker offers several plans. Their most comprehensive plan, the Ultimate plan, costs $589, while the Essential plan goes for $189. The Inner age plan goes for $99.

 Inside Tracker’s DNA test kit costs $247. If you don’t want to go to the lab deposit your sample, you would have to pay for a mobile blood draw that costs $96


Inside Tracker is HIPAA compliant, which means they follow the industry’s protection standard in safeguarding their client’s data.

While you may agree for your data to be used in their scientific research, you may also choose to opt-out at any time. 

Inside Tracker Pros 

  • It provides detailed analysis and recommendations. 
  • Offers a variety of data plans to provide valuable insight into your health and general Wellness.
  • Very flexible plans with actionable insights 

Inside Tracker Cons 

  • You would have to pay more to enjoy your testing experience with them.
  • Its products are more beneficial to those interested in athletic performance. 

Bottom line 

If you want to take your nutrition and fitness goals to another level, then Inside Tracker is for you. The company utilizes a goal-oriented approach to provide users with actionable insights to turn their health around.  

DNA Health Test FAQ’s 

What is DNA? 

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is found in every cell of the body. DNA molecules are passed down through generations from one generation to the other. 

The molecular structure of DNA gets made of two strands known as the helix.

The strands of DNA comprise information in the form of a code that determines our traits and characteristics. 

Half of a person’s DNA gets inherited from their father and the other half from their mother. 

What should I look for when choosing a DNA testing company? 

You must note that not every medical DNA testing kit is of equal quality. Getting an inaccurate result from your DNA test may have dire consequences. As a result, you must choose the best DNA health test kit.

So, you must ensure that your DNA testing company is fully accredited by international testing accreditation bodies such as the AABB and ISO17025. 

Are DNA tests confidential? 

Client confidentiality is critical in DNA testing as International Biosciences ensures absolute compliance to it.

 All client files are password-protected, and results get only released to the individual specified. 

Is DNA Test for Health Accurate?

DNA tests are highly accurate if performed in a reputable laboratory by well-trained scientists.  A reputable DNA testing laboratory should be CLIA- accredited and CAP-approved.

Why Should I Take A DNA Test For Health?

A medical DNA testing kit for health can help you determine If you are prone to a disease or not even before they begin to feel the symptoms. Some disorders are deep-rooted in the genes.

So, treating just the symptoms might not be the complete solution to the problem. Consequently, medical experts often recommend DNA tests to determine if your genetic composition is the reason for the disease composition.

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