CircleDNA Review

CircleDNA Test: What is it and How Does it Work?

“You won’t ever fully understand your body until you’ve taken a DNA test.” Bryan Habana said (South African rugby icon). Poppy Jamie (Unternehmen) also said, “understanding our genetic link to stress and anxiety is a breakthrough in self-care and recovery.” These are stories from CircleDNA users. 

CircleDNA assures that you receive a reliable DNA test, and the DNA results are presented in a concise and comprehensive report. Their report also details the areas of the tested genome and the results.

CircleDNA is a San Francisco-based company founded in 2014 by Danny Yeung and Lawrence Tzang. The company offers whole genome sequencing, DNA storage, DNA tests for family planning, health services, premium DNA tests, and genetic counseling services. 

What is a CircleDNA test? How does it work? It is a simple, convenient, affordable way to get your DNA tested. We’ll discuss everything you need about CircleDNA tests.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into what CirlceDNA is.

DNA testing

What are CircleDNA Tests?

Here’s a quote from the company’s mission statement,” at CircleDNA, we empower individuals with valuable health insights to living healthier and happier lives. We want late cancer and disease detection to cease to exist.

And to do this, we need to make prevention personalized to each individual. We want to cure the healthy before they get sick. CircleDNA shows people how to manage their health by making better lifestyle choices proactively”.

Since its inception, CircleDNA has sequenced the genomes of more than 1,000 individuals from over 100 different family groups. In addition, the company has partnered with leading DNA sequencing companies such as Illumina and 23andMe to offer its services to their customers. 

Using a simple cheek swab, they can provide insights into your health, ancestry, and even personality traits. For example, their tests can help you learn more about your risk of certain diseases, understand your ancestry, and discover if you’re predisposed to obesity or addiction.

Because their tests are so comprehensive, they provide a wealth of information you might not be able to get from any other source. So, if you’re looking for a way to understand your health and genetics better, CircleDNA is worth checking out. With their help, you can learn things about yourself that you never knew before.

How CircleDNA Works

CircleDNA leads to comprehensiveness, offering more tests than any other DNA testing company. And, because they use cutting-edge technology, they’re able to provide results that are more accurate than ever before.

Their facility is internationally approved, and they process all the samples using the most cutting-edge technology, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES). They use NovaSeqTM 6000 systems, produced by Illumina, the industry leader in DNA sequencing equipment and headquartered in the United States.

To start with CircleDNA, simply order a kit online and wait for it to arrive in the mail. The test kits include everything necessary for taking the sample, such as a buccal swab and return tube with preservation solutions, a package including a specimen bag and a return box, and a starting guideline. In addition, the kits come in a packaging bus.

Once you receive the kit, simply follow the instructions to take the sample and send it back using the return box. In just 18 business days, you’ll receive your results via email.

You must return your sample to the country where it was delivered. Before returning your sample, you must also check that your kit is connected to your digital CircleDNA account.

You will receive the results in an online report via the CircleDNA mobile App that’s easy to understand and navigate. You’ll be able to see your results for each test and an overall summary of what they mean.

And, if you have any questions, their team of genetic counselors will be happy to help. They can explain the results in more detail and advise on making the most of them.

CircleDNA’s Features

CircleDNA offers a wide range of features that can benefit anyone curious about their health, ancestry, or personality. Here is a list of areas CircleDNA can help you with:

Your Risk for Certain Diseases

CircleDNA tests can help you understand your risk for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. They can also help you learn about your carrier status for cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease.

Your Ancestry 

With CircleDNA, you can trace your ancestry to over 500 regions worldwide. In addition, you’ll be able to see how much of each region is in your DNA and compare your results to family members.

Family Planning

For couples planning to start a family, CircleDNA’s tests can be beneficial. They can reveal your carrier status for certain genetic diseases and whether you’re a good match for each other.

Cancer Screening

CircleDNA’s cancer screening test can help you understand your risk for certain types of cancer. The test looks at 22 genes associated with an increased risk for cancer. Early diagnosis will help you and your doctor make informed decisions about cancer prevention or treatment.


CircleDNA also features a nutrition test to help you learn about your body’s response to certain foods. The test looks at 25 genes associated with food intolerances and sensitivities. With this information, you can make dietary changes to improve your health.

Dementia and Brain Health

As we age, worrying about our cognitive health is normal. CircleDNA’s dementia and brain health tests can help put your mind at ease. The test looks at genes associated with increased Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s risk. The knowledge will help to make adjustments to lifestyle choices. 

Drug Response Tests

When it comes to our health, we all have different needs. That’s why CircleDNA created the Drug Response test, which looks at your unique genetic makeup to see how you might respond to certain medications.

With this information, you and your doctor can make more informed decisions about which treatments are right for you. The test is simple and quick, and the results could make a big difference in your health and well-being.

Sports and Fitness Reports

CircleDNA’s sports and fitness report helps you identify the activities best suited for your body type and goals. So whether you’re looking to get toned or build muscle, they can help you create a custom workout plan that will get you results.

And, because they understand that not everyone is the same, they also offer a variety of fitness classes that cater to different ability levels.

Stress and Sleep Tests

We all know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. But sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to relax. CircleDNA’s Stress and Sleep Test can help you understand why.

The test looks at genes associated with stress and anxiety and those affecting sleep patterns. 


We all want to look our best, sometimes caring for our skin. CircleDNA’s Skin Test can help you understand your skin type and the products that will work best for you.

The test looks at genes associated with aging, sun sensitivity, and acne. With this information, you can make informed decisions about your skincare routine and find the products that will help you look your best. 

Personality Traits

One of the most popular features of CircleDNA is the Personality Traits test. This test uses a combination of scientific research and machine learning to give you insights into your personality.

The test analyzes over 1,000 traits, including risk-taking, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The test results are presented in an easy-to-understand report that includes a summary of your personality type and detailed descriptions of each trait.

Whether you’re looking to understand yourself better or learn more about your family’s history, CircleDNA’s Personality Traits test is an excellent way to get started.

Behavioral Traits 

CircleDNA behavior trait test

In addition to the Personality Traits test, CircleDNA offers a behavioral trait test. This test examines your genetic risk for certain behavioral traits, including ADHD and addiction.

The test results are presented in an easy-to-understand report that includes a summary of your risks and detailed descriptions of each trait.


We all know that pollution harms our health, but did you know that it can also affect our DNA? CircleDNA’s pollution test can help you understand your risks and take steps to protect yourself.

The test examines genes related to environmental toxin susceptibility. As a result, you may make informed judgments about your exposure to pollution and take steps to limit your risk using this knowledge.


Well-being is often thought of as being happy and content. It includes feeling healthy, having a purpose, and feeling supported by family and friends. Achieving well-being is a lifelong journey, and it looks different for everyone.

CircleDNA believes everyone has the right to pursue well-being. They offer services and products promoting health and happiness. DNA testing and personalized fitness plans provide everything you need to live your best life.

CircleDNA Offers and Costs

CircleDNA is a new direct-to-consumer DNA test that offers comprehensive genetic testing. The following is what CircleDNA offers and the cost.

Vital DNA Test -$151

CircleDNA Vital

*Links sponsored

This test analyzes your DNA to provide insights into your health, ancestry, and personality. It includes tests for disease risk, carrier status, physical traits, nutrition intake, and more.

Family Planning DNA Test -$399

CircleDNA family planning kit

*Links sponsored

This test analyzes your DNA to provide insights into your fertility, carrier status, and risk for certain genetic diseases. Also, the test looks into;

  • 38 diseases related to a higher risk of newborn & early childhood death
  • 116 conditions known to reduce childhood life expectancy
  • 71 diseases associated with a high probability of intellectual impairment.

By discovering your unborn child’s health risks, you can take early actions for prevention and management.

Health Service DNA Test -$500

CircleDNA health kit

*Links sponsored

This test analyzes your DNA to provide insights into your risk for certain diseases and conditions and your response to certain medications. It can also help you understand your ancestry and find relatives with similar DNA. This test also probes into:

  • 36 cancer risk reports
  • 73 disease risks reports
  • Six reports on brain health, including Alzheimer’s disease

Premium DNA Test– $503

CircleDNA premium genetic test

*Links sponsored

This test is the most comprehensive genetic test offered by CircleDNA. It includes:

  • 115 cancers & disease risks reports
  • 60 diet, fitness, and wellness reports
  • 163 carrier condition reports
  • More than two complimentary consultations with our genetics experts.

The above are the tests offered by CircleDNA and their costs. The tests give individuals valuable health insights to live healthier and happier lives. Numerous diseases can be halted in their tracks before they manifest themselves with these diagnostic tools’ assistance.

CircleDNA Pros

  • The company provides various tests that you can take to improve multiple areas of your life.
  • The tests are easy to understand and provide detailed descriptions
  • The company’s goal is to help you pursue well-being and feel your best
  • The kit is simple to use and provides 99.9% accurate and actionable result
  • The company offers a Family Finder feature to help users connect with distant relatives.
  • Additionally, the company’s online database is one of the largest in the industry, making it easy to find matches and learn more about one’s ancestors. 
  • They also have a very user-friendly website and mobile app, so you can easily access your results and start your research.
  • Their team of experts is always available to answer any questions you may have.

CircleDNA Cons

  • Some of the tests are expensive.

All in all, CircleDNA is a company that provides helpful DNA tests to help you pursue well-being.

CircleDNA and Reddit

Reddit is a social networking and news website where users can submit content, vote on submissions, and comment on other user’s submissions. The site was launched in 2005 by two University of Virginia roommates, Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian.

According to Semrush, Reddit has become one of the most popular social networking sites, ranked as the 9th-most-visited website worldwide and the 6th most-visited website in the U.S. 

Reddit’s success is due in part to its unique user-generated content model: users submit links, text posts, and comments, which are then voted up or down by other users.

This voting system promotes exciting and popular content to the top of the site while relegating less popular content to the bottom. In addition to its voting system, Reddit has a robust community-moderation system, with a team of volunteer moderators who keep the site functioning smoothly.

Therefore, CircleDNA is a Reddit community dedicated to discussing DNA-related topics. The community comprises members who are passionate about genetics and want to learn more about the topic.

The community is an excellent resource for those looking to learn more about DNA and those who want to share their knowledge. In addition to discussions, the community also hosts resources, such as links to articles and videos about DNA.

If you’re interested in learning more about DNA or want to share your knowledge with others, CircleDNA is the perfect community.

CircleDNA vs. 23andME

Many DNA tests on the market today can provide insights into your ancestry and genetic makeup. Two of the most popular options are 23andMe and CircleDNA. Both companies offer a range of services, but there are some critical differences between them.

First, CircleDNA offers a more comprehensive genetic testing service. They test for over twice as many markers as 23andMe, which means that their results are more accurate.

CircleDNA offers a broader range of tests for genetic diseases and disorders. They also provide a personal consultation with a genetic counselor, which can be extremely helpful for understanding your results. 

On the other hand, 23andMe focuses on providing detailed information about your ancestry. The company uses a proprietary algorithm to trace your maternal and paternal lines back thousands of years. You can also learn about your Neanderthal ancestry and see which genes you have in common with other 23andMe users.

In addition to ancestry information, 23andMe also provides health reports that can offer insights into your risk for certain diseases and conditions.

On the other hand, Circle DNA takes a more holistic approach to health and wellness. In addition to ancestry testing, the company offers tests for food sensitivities, detoxification, fitness, and more.

Circle DNA also provides access to a community of experts who can offer guidance and support on your journey to optimal health. Both 23andMe and Circle DNA provide valuable services.

Accuracy and Privacy

CircleDNA privacy

At CircleDNA, they understand that your DNA is unique and personal to you. That’s why they place such importance on accuracy and privacy. Also, they are proud to offer one of the most accurate DNA tests on the market, with a validated 99.9% analytical accuracy rate.

And they take steps to ensure that your DNA data is kept secure, including encrypting all data and storing it in a secure database. In addition, CircleDNA is built on top-tier ISO-27001 security for unmatched data protection. So you can rest assured that they will keep your DNA protected.

In addition to the commitment to accuracy and privacy, they offer a wide range of insights into your DNA. Their test can reveal your ancestry, health predispositions, and much more.

So if you’re looking for a comprehensive and reliable DNA test, look no further than CircleDNA.

Customer Service

At CircleDNA, they understand that testing your DNA can be a big decision. That’s why their team is available to answer any questions you may have about the process.

Their customer service representatives are knowledgeable and friendly and will do everything they can to ensure you’re comfortable with the process.

In addition to their customer service team, they also have a community of experts who can offer guidance and support. So, if you have any questions about your results, you can contact them for help.

Furthermore, the company dedicates a section for frequently asked questions on its website. They also provide links to articles and videos about DNA to learn more about the topic.

To summarize, CircleDNA is an excellent choice for a comprehensive DNA test. They offer a wide range of services, and their team is passionate about providing the best customer experience possible.

So, if you’re thinking about getting a DNA test, be sure to check out CircleDNA.


Q: Which is the most comprehensive DNA Test?

A: The most comprehensive DNA test is CircleDNA’s DNA test, which can provide insights into your ancestry, health risks, and more. 

Q: How long does it take to get results from the CircleDNA Test?

A: It usually takes about 18 business days to receive your results. 

Q: Is CircleDNA worth it?

A: Yes, the CircleDNA tests are worth it. Not only is it one of the most accurate DNA tests on the market, but it can also provide you with valuable insights into your ancestry, health risks, and more.

Q: Are DNA kits worth it?

Yes, DNA kits are worth it. They can provide valuable insights into your ancestry, health risks, and more. If you are looking for a comprehensive DNA test, check out CircleDNA.

Click here to learn more about the CircleDNA test.

Q: Does DNA affect weight?

Your DNA can affect your weight. Studies show that specific genes influence your metabolism, appetite, and cravings. Genetics is just one factor that can affect your weight. Other factors, such as diet and exercise, also play a role.

The Bottom Line

The CircleDNA test is a simple and quick way to learn more about your genetic makeup. The test can give you insights into your ancestry, health risks, and more by providing a sample of your DNA.

The test is easy to take and can be done in the comfort of your own home. Best of all, it can provide valuable information to help you make better decisions about your health and well-being.

If you’re interested in learning more about your DNA, a CircleDNA test is a great option. CircleDNA can provide insights into your ancestry, health, and more with just a few drops of blood or a cheek swab. 

The company offers both an autosomal test and a mitochondrial DNA test, so you can choose the one that’s right for you. And with results typically delivered within 16 business days, it’s easy to start your journey of self-discovery. 

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