How Long Does a DNA Test Take

How Long Does a DNA Test Take? Get the Facts Here

DNA testing is becoming increasingly popular as people realize the advantages of having information about their genetics. A DNA test can provide a detailed analysis of your genetic makeup, including information on your ancestry and health risks.

As anyone who has watched a crime drama on television knows, DNA can be a powerful tool for solving crimes. But DNA can also be used for much more than that. In recent years, DNA testing has become increasingly popular to learn about one’s family history and heritage. 

This information can be invaluable for understanding your health, ancestry, and genealogy research. However, many people are curious about how long a DNA test takes. So, of course, when you are looking to get a DNA test done, one of the most important things to consider is how long it will take.

You want to make sure that you select a test that is fast and easy for you. Therefore, this blog post will discuss how DNA tests are taken and how you can get your results faster. 

We will also provide tips on preparing for your DNA test. So, whether you are wondering how long a paternity test takes or how long it takes to get a DNA sample from someone, we have the answers!

How Long Does a DNA Test Take? 

The length of time to get the results of a DNA test depends on the company and the purpose of ordering the test. Today, DNA plays a vital role in many areas of science, including forensics, medicine, and evolution.

If it is a court-ordered DNA test, it takes about two working days beginning from when the samples arrive at the lab for testing. The benefit of a court-ordered test is that the process is fast and goes through a secured chain of departments. Therefore, mistakes are not likely to be made, and no third party can interfere with the results. 

The court mostly orders a DNA test when the question of paternity arises, right to inheritance, or visa application for a family member. 

However, the time varies for personal use before the result is ready, depending on the company. It ranges from several weeks to three months. Taking a DNA test at home is straightforward; you just have to order a test kit online, take a sample and mail it back to the lab.

How Accurate are DNA Tests, and Who Should Consider Getting One Done?

The accuracy of DNA tests depends on how well the DNA is collected and how well it is matched to a reference sample. Generally, when done correctly, DNA tests are very accurate. In some cases, however, mistakes can happen. So who should consider getting a DNA test? 

Most people who get DNA tests are doing so for genealogical purposes. They want to find out more about their ancestry and family history. However, there are other reasons someone might want a DNA test. For example, people might want to find out if they are at risk for certain diseases or conditions in their family. 

Different tests might be recommended depending on the reason for taking a DNA test. For instance, if someone wants to find out if they have genetic markers for certain diseases, they would need to take a different test than someone who wants to learn more about their ancestry.

Types of DNA Services and How Long They Take


Genealogy has always been a popular hobby, but it has traditionally required a lot of time and effort to research family history. However, advances in DNA testing have made it possible to learn about your ancestors with just a simple saliva sample. 

23andme dna test

23andMe is one of the fastest DNA testing companies, offering users a wide range of features. In addition to providing insights into your family history, 23andMe can also tell you about your health, what your ancestors were like, and much more. 

23andMe offers two different types of tests: ancestry and health. The ancestry test will give you information about your ethnicity, where your ancestors came from, and how they migrated over time. The health test looks at your DNA to see if you are at increased risk for certain diseases or conditions. You can choose to take one or both tests.

How Does 23andMe Work?

So how does it work? First, you order a kit from 23andMe. Inside the kit is everything you need to collect a saliva sample. Once you have collected your sample, please send it back to the company in the provided return envelope. 

How Long Does 23ANDME Take to Process DNA?

This shipping process takes about two to four weeks. It typically takes two to three weeks to process your saliva sample, which takes about seven weeks as wait time. Shipping times may rise with distance from the lab, so those who live outside the United States may have to wait a little longer.


AncestryDNA is a DNA testing service that provides users with information about their ancestry and ethnic origins. The company offers a variety of tests, including autosomal DNA tests, Y-chromosome DNA tests, and mitochondrial DNA tests. 

AncestryDNA also offers a test that can be used to estimate how many generations ago two people shared a common ancestor. The company’s DNA tests are based on analyzing the user’s specific genetic markers. 

ancestry DNA Test

AncestryDNA offers several features that make it one of the most popular DNA testing services. The company’s online database is one of the largest in the world, and it is constantly being updated with new information. 

In addition, the company offers several tools that can be used to analyze DNA results. For example, users can use the “Ancestry Painter” tool to see how their genetic markers are distributed across different continents. 

How Long Does It Take To Get AncestryDNA Results

The results of an AncestryDNA test usually take about six to eight weeks to process. You must take some critical steps before submitting your DNA sample. 

The first is to create an account with Ancestry and then activate the test by linking it back to that specific website or app, which will allow for easy access in future searches on both sites and any other related information such as family tree branches etc.

Why Does AncestryDNA Take So Long?

When you take the AncestryDNA test, your sample is sent to a processing lab, which undergoes several steps before your results are displayed. First, your sample is positioned for processing. 

Then your DNA is extracted from the sample. After that, your DNA is analyzed and entered into the database. Finally, your results are displayed. However, the wait is worth it, as AncestryDNA can provide valuable insights into your family history and identity.

MyHeritage DNA

MyHeritage DNA is a direct-to-consumer genetic testing company that provides DNA test kits and online tools for genealogy and ancestry. The MyHeritage DNA test can determine a person’s ethnicity and regional origins.

How Long Does It Take To Get MyHeritage DNA Results

If you have purchased a MyHeritage DNA kit, you probably wonder how long it will take to get your results. The answer varies depending on a few factors, but generally, you can expect to receive your results within three to four weeks.

One of the main factors determining how long it takes to get your results is how quickly your DNA sample arrives at the lab. Although most samples come within one to two weeks, there have also been many cases where it takes close to a month for the lab to receive the sample, even within the United States. 

Therefore, if you are eager to get your results as soon as possible, you must send your sample as soon as you receive it.

Most people expect to receive their MyHeritage DNA results within four weeks of sending their DNA sample. 

However, due to the various factors that can impact processing time, there is always a possibility that it may take longer. Therefore, if you have yet to receive your results after six weeks, we recommend contacting customer support for assistance.

Why Does MyHeritage DNA Take So Long?

MyHeritage DNA takes so long because its lab needs to process your samples using the newer GSA chip. This takes place at no additional cost but requires more time, and you’ll be notified via email when they are ready, allowing secure access to their website!

FamilyTree DNA

FamilyTreeDNA is a service that helps people learn about their family history. The company offers a variety of tests, including Family Finder, which looks at the autosomal DNA, and mtDNA and Y-DNA tests, which look at the mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome, respectively.

family tree dna processing time

How Long Does It Take To Get FamilyTreeDNA Results

Family Finder results typically take two to four weeks. mtDNA results usually take six to eight weeks. Y-DNA results typically take three to six weeks. The company also offers various other services, such as genetic counseling and adoption services. FamilyTreeDNA is a valuable resource for people who want to learn more about their family history.


GEDmatch is a powerful tool to help you find relatives who share your DNA. The process is simple: you submit a sample of your DNA, and GedMatch compares it to the DNA of other users in their database. GedMatch will provide information about your shared ancestor if there is a match. 

In most cases, GedMatch can tell you how long ago your shared ancestor lived. GedMatch can also provide information about what region your shared ancestor came from.

How Long Does It Take To Get GEDmatch Results

It typically takes GedMatch two days to process a DNA sample. However, if there is a high volume of submissions, it may take longer. Additionally, submitting a large amount of DNA (more than 100 MB) may take GedMatch longer to process your sample. 

If you are concerned about the processing time, contact GedMatch customer service. They will be able to give you an estimated processing time for your specific submission.

GEDMatch is a valuable resource for finding relatives who share your DNA. The process is simple, and the results are usually available within two days. However, you can contact GedMatch customer service for more information if you have any concerns about the processing time.

Final Thoughts

DNA testing is becoming increasingly popular as people are interested in learning about their heritage and genetic makeup. Different companies offer different tests, with varying turnaround times for results. 

Knowing how long each company takes to process DNA is essential so you can plan and get your results when you want them. We’ve compiled this information for you here, so be sure to bookmark or share this page for future reference.  

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